Your wedding day. Without a doubt, it's one of the most significant events you will ever experience - when you and the love of your life officially seal the deal and get married. On this day, your friends and family will gather to celebrate the next step in your life. Photographers will be running around snapping photos, catering plates delicious food for guests to enjoy, and the DJ sets the mood for a night of fun and libation. You've worked extra hard to make everything look perfect and run smoothly. You have examined every moving part down to the tiniest detail. At the center of all your effort is your wedding venue in Wallhalla, SC.
Your event space can mean the difference between an unforgettable event and an average occasion. Capturing your uniqueness as a couple is paramount to a memorable wedding. But, without the right venue location and staff, your unforgettable event can turn into a painfully average occasion. Fortunately, at Abney Hall, you won't ever have to worry about dingy reception spaces and crummy chow halls.
Constructed in Wallhalla, SC, in 1962, Abney Hall is 15,000 square feet and sits on 500 acres of land, making it a large wedding venue unlike any other. Abney Hall was originally the home of Mrs. Josephine Abney, a Wallhalla native who was a lifelong philanthropist. Mrs. Abney devoted much of her time and effort towards supporting charities, educational institutions, hospitals, and other noble efforts. Today, Abney Hall stands tall as a symbol of love, both in our community and for the couples who choose to get married here.
Abney Hall is an exclusive event experience unlike any other, surrounded by verdant forests and sparkling ponds. Our venue is a natural fit for several occasions, including:
The beginning of your life starts at Abney Hall. With our team by your side, we can create the fairy tale wedding you have dreamed about since childhood. Whether you have 100 guests or 1,000, our waterfront ceremony locations and French-inspired courtyard are perfect for your big day. Celebrate in luxurious style surrounded by shady magnolia trees, a private forest, large ponds, and the beauty of Mother Nature. While our venue location and aesthetic have been praised far and wide, so too have the practical aspects of Abney Hall. Looking for a relaxing, comfortable spot for your bridal party to get ready in? We offer an entire floor in the Abney Hall residence to get the bridal party ready. Want to make your groomsman feel extra-special too? We've got a private, plush house just feet from a sparkling pond that is a proper hangout spot for the guys in your group.
To make life easier on you, we also offer Abney Hall as your go-to spot for rehearsal dinners. Why book an expensive restaurant or travel to another location when unmatched beauty and convenience are right at your fingertips? Abney Hall is just the place for that very important dinner the night before your big day. We are also happy to host your bridal shower at Abney Hall. Our venue makes for one of Wallhalla's most unique bridal shower settings, where your family and friends can gather to give gifts and be merry before you walk down the aisle.
With such a large, magnificent house and a vast property, Abney Hall also makes for an unforgettable location for your bridal portraits and other wedding-related photography needs. Don't take our word for it - book a tour and see for yourself why so many new brides and grooms choose Abney Hall as their wedding venue in Wallhalla.
You've already found the person you want to spend the rest of your life beside. The next step? Finding the perfect wedding venue for your ceremony, reception, and celebration of your lifelong commitment to one another. Remember, the backdrop for photos, dancing, eating, and all other activities will be at your wedding venue. That's why we work so hard to set Abney Hall apart from our competitors - so you and your guests can focus on love and living your new life while we work with your vendors and photographers to make your magic night a reality.
Here are just a few reasons why guests choose Abney Hall as their wedding venue in Wallhalla, SC, along with some helpful tips from our experienced wedding venue staff:
Choosing the appropriate-sied venue for your desired guest count is a critical decision. A venue's capacity affects the number of people you need to consider having at your ceremony and reception. As you're first starting out, we recommend having a guest count in mind as you're searching for the right venue. Try to stick with that number. You may fall in love with a particular venue, but if its max capacity can't accommodate your guest count, it may be time to cross them off your list.
Keep in mind that this is your big day. You shouldn't feel obligated to invite the college roommate you shared a dorm with for one semester. At the end of the day, your wedding venue should be one that can accommodate those closest to you. Abney Hall is equipped for both small and large weddings, consisting of 500 acres of forest, ponds, and lush natural beauty. Whether you want an intimate wedding with only your best friends or a grand ceremony with hundreds of people, we have the right amount of room to make you comfortable.
On your big day, you're likely to have friends and family traveling in from other parts of the state or country. These folks will need a place to stay during and even after your wedding. Accessibility and ease are important factors when it comes to choosing your wedding venue for both you and your guests.
Located in Wallhalla, SC, Abney Hall is situated in a memorable, natural setting, giving your wedding a private vibe in the midst of Mother Nature. While we pride ourselves on having a secluded wedding event space, our venue is within an easy driving distance of hotels and vacation rentals.
When you contact us for a tour, make sure to speak with our experienced venue manager about nearby hotels and shuttle service options. We understand that your guest's comfort and convenience are important, and we're happy to work with you to figure out the best way to get your guests to Abney Hall.
At Abney Hall, our staff has earned its reputation as one of the industry's most friendly, accessible teams. We will provide you with a purpose-minded point of contact that can help answer questions relating to timelines, preferred vendors, and every aspect of your wedding. When you tour our wedding venue in Wallhalla, SC, for the first time, we want you to feel like you have all the information you need to make an informed purchasing decision.
At Abney Hall, our goal is to be your first resource when it comes to setting up and coordinating the details of your wedding day.
When it comes to your wedding's decor, you probably already have a few ideas in mind. We love it when our brides and grooms have a vision in mind because one of our greatest joys is turning that vision into a reality. At Abney Hall, our team is available to help you and your decorator fit, accent, and accommodate your fairy-tale wedding - whatever that may be.
Are you looking to dress up your wedding with decorations galore? Just want to add a few accents that tie into your preferred color palette? Abney Hall is versatile and ready to help however we are able.
If you're thinking about bringing in your own greenery, lighting, floral pieces, and more, we recommend discussing your vision with us on your initial tour of our event space. That way, we can get a head start on making your big day exactly how you envision it.
10 years from now, when you and your spouse are celebrating your anniversary, you will pull out photographs from your wedding and will reminisce about the unforgettable time you spent at Abney Hall. Your wedding photos will be with you forever, and as such, we work closely with you and your photographer to suggest extra-special photo op spots that you can only find on Abney Hall grounds.
From the grand staircase and French-inspired courtyard to our manicured gardens and lovely pond, there is no shortage of photo-op locations for your photographer to choose from. As one of the most popular wedding venues in Wallhalla, SC, we have worked with dozens of photographers over the years.
Our experience has allowed us to cultivate a list of preferred photographers - all of whom have the talent to take your pictures to the next level in a setting they're familiar with. We encourage you to check out our gallery to get a sense of the scope of our wedding venue and gain inspiration from other happy couples.
The gallery on our website is extensive but be sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well. We keep our social pages updated with recent wedding photographs, giving you an incredible resource that you can use for your own photography purposes.
Abney Hall is known across the United States for our stunning weddings, but we also play host to some of the largest corporate events in South Carolina. Why choose a bland, lifeless meeting space when you can enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature coupled with a professional atmosphere? If you have an important team-building event or corporate conference that you have to coordinate, look no further than Abney Hall.
The epitome of class and style, our corporate event space is large, lavish, and chock-full of onsite amenities for you and your co-workers to enjoy. If your team needs a morale boost, don't bring them to the local Olive Garden for a cheap lunch. Treat them to a refreshing experience in our main dining room, where we can work with you to incorporate your catering options with the goals of your event.
When the hard work is done, and your team needs a breather, what better way to relax than with a quick dip in our pool? To burn off a little steam, head over to our brand-new tennis court - the perfect place to get some exercise in an ultra-private setting while you enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Don't forget to bring your fishing poles for a couple of hours of fishing. There's even an opportunity to go hunting if you wish.
If you're ready to learn more about Abney Hall as your wedding venue, don't hesitate to reach out. We would love to hear more about your plans, your vision, and your needs. We know that planning a wedding isn't easy. It takes time, attention to detail, and a whole lot of patience. Our goal is to help provide you with all the info you need to learn more about our venue. Once you decide on a date, we'll work closely with you and your vendors to craft a wedding experience that you will treasure for the rest of your life.
Our available dates for your big day are going quick, especially during peak seasons like spring and fall. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Contact us today for a FREE initial consultationHunde und Katzen machen Bürgern der Stadt Ärger: Betroffene Einwohner diskutieren über Möglichkeiten, die Situation zu verbessern. 2013 wurden laut Volker Ketels, Initiator des Bürgertreffs, 50.000 Tüten verteilt.Seit fast zwei Jahren treffen sich Gardinger zum Bürgertreff und diskutieren über Themen, die ihnen wichtig sind. In der Gaststätte Walhalla stand das Thema Katzen und Hunde auf der Agenda. Wie sehr es den Bürgern auf der Seele liegt, ist daran zu erkennen, dass darüber s...
Hunde und Katzen machen Bürgern der Stadt Ärger: Betroffene Einwohner diskutieren über Möglichkeiten, die Situation zu verbessern. 2013 wurden laut Volker Ketels, Initiator des Bürgertreffs, 50.000 Tüten verteilt.
Seit fast zwei Jahren treffen sich Gardinger zum Bürgertreff und diskutieren über Themen, die ihnen wichtig sind. In der Gaststätte Walhalla stand das Thema Katzen und Hunde auf der Agenda. Wie sehr es den Bürgern auf der Seele liegt, ist daran zu erkennen, dass darüber schon mehrmals gesprochen und diskutiert wurde. „Das Problem mit diesen Tieren ist ganz schön nervig“, bekundete ein Gast aus der Runde. Doch dieses Problem, würde durch uneinsichtige und rücksichtslose Tierhalter verschlimmert.
Was in der Runde erzählt wurde, ist beschämend. „Ich bin immer wieder von Tierhaltern angepöbelt worden, als ich sie auf die Verunreinigung angesprochen habe“, berichtete eine Gardingerin. Dabei sind in der Stadt an sieben Stellen Behälter mit Tüten aufgestellt. „Im vergangenen Jahr wurden 50.000 Tüten verteilt“, berichtet Volker Ketels, Initiator des Bürgertreffs.
Doch damit nicht genug. „Entlang des Norderrings stinkt es schlimmer als auf dem Bahnhof“, gab ein weiterer Besucher zu Protokoll. Er selbst sei Hundebesitzer und führe immer mehrere Kot-Tüten mit sich. „Doch offensichtlich bin ich damit eine Ausnahmeerscheinung.“ Eine weitere Teilnehmerin des Bürgertreffs wurde noch deutlicher. Sie ist verpflichtet, den Grünstreifen vor ihrem Haus sauber zu halten. „Ich weigere mich, da ich jeden Tag mindestes zehn Tüten benötige, um die Hinterlassenschaften der Vierbeiner wegzuräumen. Der Norderring ist das Hundeklo von Garding.“
Aber auch die Katzen machten vielen Bürgern der Stadt viel Ärger. So berichtete ein Teilnehmer von seinem täglichen Ärger. „Bevor ich meine Kinder in den Sandkasten schicke, muss ich die Spielstätte durchrechen und von Katzendreck säubern.“ Täglich würde er mindestens 50 Haufen zählen. „Das Problem für mich ist, dass ich keine Handhabe habe, dagegen vorzugehen.“ Die einzige Möglichkeit wäre, die Tiere zu fangen um so die Eigentümer zu ermitteln. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Katzenfallen ins Gespräch gebracht. Dabei würden die Tiere gefangen, ohne das sie dabei verletzt würden. „Ich glaube, diese Themen werden uns noch länger beschäftigen“, gab Ketels am Ende der Diskussion zu verstehen und appellierte an die Tierhalter, sich doch besser um ihre Vierbeiner zu kümmern.
Ein weiterer Punkt beim Bürgertreff war die vorgesehene Tulpenpflanzaktion in Garding und Kirchspiel Garding. Insgesamt sollen Ende Oktober 10.000 Tulpenzwiebeln gesetzt werden, so Ketels. Die Pflanzen würden später dunkelrot blühen. Zur ersten Pflanzaktion treffen sich Interessierte und Unterstützer der Aktion am Sonnabend (25.) um 10 Uhr auf dem Graureiherparkplatz. In Gruppen würden sie dann ausschwärmen und an den bereits markierten Stellen die Frühlingsblumenzwiebeln setzen. Die ganze Aktion sei bereits mit dem Bauhof besprochen, bestätigte Ketels. „Wir brauchen viele Helfer, die, wenn möglich, auch einen Spaten mitbringen.“ In erster Linie würden stadteigene Flächen verschönert. „An manchen Stellen müssen wir jedoch die Anlieger oder Eigentümer der Grundstücke um Erlaubnis fragen“, stellte Ketels klar.
Der Bürgertreff findet jeden dritten Mittwoch im Monat ab 20 Uhr in der Gaststätte Wallhalla statt.
Einen passenderen Ort als das Odeon gibt es für das Treffen mit Stéphanie Portmann nicht. Das Café am Bellevue vereinigt zwei Leidenschaften ihres Grossvaters Fred Tschanz: die Gastronomie – die Branche, in der er sich aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen zum Restaurantkönig von Zürich hochgearbeitet hat. Und die Kunst, die er leidenschaftlich sammelte. Manch einen Maler, dessen Bilder Tschanz bei sich daheim aufhängte, hat er wohl persönlich gekannt und im Odeon getroffen.Nun sitzt hier S...
Einen passenderen Ort als das Odeon gibt es für das Treffen mit Stéphanie Portmann nicht. Das Café am Bellevue vereinigt zwei Leidenschaften ihres Grossvaters Fred Tschanz: die Gastronomie – die Branche, in der er sich aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen zum Restaurantkönig von Zürich hochgearbeitet hat. Und die Kunst, die er leidenschaftlich sammelte. Manch einen Maler, dessen Bilder Tschanz bei sich daheim aufhängte, hat er wohl persönlich gekannt und im Odeon getroffen.
Nun sitzt hier Stéphanie Portmann, Geschäftsleiterin der Fred-Tschanz-Gruppe. Ihr Grossvater hat ihr sein Stadtzürcher Restaurant- und Hotelimperium vermacht, zu dem nebst dem Odeon auch das Leoneck, das Hotel Wallhalla, das Restaurant 8001 und das Bauschänzli gehören. Und obendrauf hat sie seine Kunstsammlung geerbt. «Mein Grossvater war ein schaffiger Unternehmer und ein geselliger Gastgeber», sagt Portmann. Er habe viel und gerne gearbeitet. «Das geht mir genauso.» Die Begeisterung für die Kunst aber, die habe sie nicht geerbt.
Jetzt, fünf Jahre nach seinem Tod, hat sich Portman deshalb entschieden, die Sammlung zu verkaufen. «Ich fände es schade, wenn ich diesen Schatz weiter im Keller versteckt halten würde», sagt sie. «Die Kunst soll unter die Leute, die sie schätzen.»
Eine Aufgabe für Hans-Peter Keller. Er ist beim Auktionshaus Christie's für Schweizer Kunst zuständig. Keller schwärmt von Tschanz' «sehr persönlicher» Sammlung, in der klingende Namen wie Hodler, Anker oder Segantini vereint sind. Während er über die Künstler spricht, zeigt er die Bilder im Katalog – eine erste Tranche von 39 Werken kommt am 18. September im Glockenhof unter den Hammer.
Tschanz habe vor allem gesammelt, was ihm gefallen habe, sagt Keller. Vertreten seien Werke aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, aber ebenso zeitgenössische Bilder. «Man sieht, was ihn interessierte.» Dazu gehörte die weibliche Schönheit, wie Portmann sagt – Tschanz' Schlafzimmer war voller Aktbilder, gemalt von Félix Vallotton oder Luciano Castelli.
Auch die Gastronomie und Hotellerie haben ihren festen Platz in der Sammlung. Auf Bildern des Luzerner Malers Leopold Haefliger sind Kellnerinnen und Kellner sowie Köche verewigt. Und der Zürcher Künstler Willy Guggenheim alias Varlin hat nebst Szenen aus der Stadt auch einen Billardtisch gemalt – vielleicht sogar einen jener Tische, die einst im Odeon standen? Das bleibt offen.
«Fred Tschanz hat sich museale Stücke von grossen Namen leisten können», sagt Keller vom Auktionshaus Christie's. Er habe aber auch ein gutes Auge gehabt, sagt Keller und zieht als Beweis «Effetto di luna» von Giovanni Segantini heran. «Ein kunsthistorisch sehr wichtiges Bild.» Der grosse Alpenmaler hat auf seinem dunkel gehaltenen Werk von 1882 einen Schäfer im schimmernden Mondlicht porträtiert.
Der künstlerische Wert der Sammlung ist beachtlich – wie auch der monetäre. Die Schätzung der ersten 39 Bilder ergab eine Summe zwischen einer und eineinhalb Millionen Schweizer Franken. Will Portmann darum verkaufen? Sie winkt ab. Der Erlös aus der Sammlung fliesst nicht in das Unternehmen oder zu ihr, sondern geht an die anderen Familienmitglieder und die von Tschanz gegründete Stiftung für bedürftige oder behinderte Kinder im Kanton Zürich.
Vom Geschäft habe sie die Kunst bewusst getrennt, sagt Stéphanie Portmann. Vom Geschäft, das ihr Grossvater so erfolgreich aufgebaut hatte. Dabei half ihm nicht nur ein Auge für die Kunst, sondern auch ein Riecher für gastronomische Innovationen. Tschanz importierte nach seinen Wanderjahren in den Vereinigten Staaten den Eisbergsalat und das US-Beef 1962 in die Schweiz. Und Jahre später brachte er – damals noch belächelt – auf dem Bauschänzli den ersten Ableger des Oktoberfests nach Zürich.
Machen Sie mit bei «Die Schweiz spricht»: Die Aktion bringt Menschen ins Gespräch, die nahe beieinander wohnen, aber politisch unterschiedlich denken.
Hier hat sich Stéphanie Portmann ihre Sporen abverdient, in ihren Studienjahren als Kellnerin, später als Geschäftsführerin. Jetzt wird das Lokal nach einer Neuausschreibung ab 2019 an die Candrian-Gruppe übergehen. «Wo eine Türe zugeht, geht eine andere auf», sagt sie. Genaues verrät sie nicht. Nur so viel: Es stehe ein umfangreiches Rebranding an. Und auch das Odeon werde per 1. Oktober, am Internationalen Tag des Cafés, eine Veränderung erfahren.
«Mir liegt das Unternehmen und seine Fortführung am Herzen», sagt Portmann. «Ich glaube, das ist im Sinn meines Grossvaters.» Ihr persönliches Erinnerungsstück ist eine einfache, blaue Stoffjacke. Sie hing da, wo Fred Tschanz täglich arbeitete: in seinem Büro über dem Odeon. Portmann hat sie nach Hause genommen, gewaschen – und irgendwann festgestellt, dass ihr Sohn den gleichen Namen trägt wie die Marke der Jacke.
Eine lebendigere Erinnerung an ihren Grossvater gibt es nicht.
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Stumphouse Mountain Tunnel in Oconee County, South Carolina is an unfinished railroad tunnel in Sumter National Forest for the Blue Ridge Railroad of South Carolina. The tunnel and the nearby Issaqueena Falls have been turned into a city park by Walhalla city.In 1835, residents of Charleston, South Carolina proposed the tunnel as a new and faster route for the Blue Ridge Railroad between Charleston and the Ohi...
Stumphouse Mountain Tunnel in Oconee County, South Carolina is an unfinished railroad tunnel in Sumter National Forest for the Blue Ridge Railroad of South Carolina.
The tunnel and the nearby Issaqueena Falls have been turned into a city park by Walhalla city.
In 1835, residents of Charleston, South Carolina proposed the tunnel as a new and faster route for the Blue Ridge Railroad between Charleston and the Ohio River valley area, which was previously only accessible by avoiding the mountains totally to the south and then continuing up north through Georgia and central Tennessee.
In 1852, a 13-mile tunnel under the Blue Ridge Mountains through South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee was proposed. The railway was successfully built through the majority of South Carolina until it reached the mountains near Wallhalla in Oconee County in the late 1850s. Their Stumphouse tunnel, as well as three other tunnels, were planned to be constructed.
The construction of the Stumphouse tunnel started in 1856.
The George Collyer Company of London recruited numerous Irish workers to the region for this project. On the top of Stumphouse mountain, in a neighborhood known as Tunnel Hill, many of the workers resided.
The tunnel project was abandoned in 1859 after the State of South Carolina spent over a million dollars on it and refused to spend any more. The tunnel had been excavated to a length of 1,617 feet, with a total length of 5,863 feet planned.
Today, where the tunnel was supposed to end on the other side of the mountain, there is a mound of earth, intended for railway tracks, submerged under Crystal Lake during the summer months, just west of Highway 28.
Two further tunnels that were to be a part of the Blue Ridge Railroad were started in the 1850s and are all connected by terrain at railroad grade. A quarter mile from Stumphouse Tunnel, Middle Tunnel was successfully finished but eventually mostly collapsed and was partially shut off.
A short distance north of Middle Tunnel, 1.5 miles away, work also began on Saddle Tunnel, the last tunnel in the South Carolina complex. Saddle is mostly drowned by a small lake despite being only partially finished. There is only the tunnel's entrance that is visible.
In the 1950s, Clemson University used the Stumphouse tunnel to grow blue cheese until the 1970s, when the blue cheese process was shifted to air-conditioned cheese ripening rooms that replicated the tunnel environment.
The city of Walhalla now manages Stumphouse Tunnel and adjoining Isaqueena Falls as public parks. A steady 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 85% humidity prevail inside the tunnel. A gravel parking area is only a few yards away from the tunnel, which is readily reached on foot. Except for an enlarged vent about halfway along the tunnel, the tunnel's structural integrity is excellent and virtually no cracking is visible.
In 1999, a rock slide damaged this vent, but the town of Walhalla could safely re-excavate the tunnel and reopen it to the public in 2000.
After a developer attempted to buy the property from the City of Walhalla in 2007, Natural and Trust, a conservation organization founded by C. Thomas Wyche, pledged approximately $2 million to protect the surrounding property; and a consortium of non-profit conservation organizations, private individuals, and the state of South Carolina provided the money and resources to preserve the mountain for public use.
Anderson School District 5 will be the first in South Carolina to try an eLearning program that will eliminate makeup days caused by bad weather."With today's technology, it makes so much sense, from the practical standpoint and financially," said District 5 Superintendent Tom Wilson, who proposed the idea to the state's Education Oversight Committee (EOC) in May. "Technology has changed every profession, and we have the technology in place to keep kids working during the snow days and eliminate the makeu...
Anderson School District 5 will be the first in South Carolina to try an eLearning program that will eliminate makeup days caused by bad weather.
"With today's technology, it makes so much sense, from the practical standpoint and financially," said District 5 Superintendent Tom Wilson, who proposed the idea to the state's Education Oversight Committee (EOC) in May. "Technology has changed every profession, and we have the technology in place to keep kids working during the snow days and eliminate the makeup days.
"I think we will be a good model for the state," he added. "We've invested $11 million in Chromebooks in the last five years, and this enables us to make use of it."
The district has been selected as the state's pilot program for the upcoming school year.
The eLearning days will enable the district to operate with a firm calendar in 2018-19, with no inclement weather makeup days. If snow or ice hit, students will access assignments via their Chromebooks, which do not require internet service.
Students unable to complete the work because of any technology issues will get a five-day grace period.
"No longer will we need to run buses mid-June for a makeup day that only a quarter of our students attend," Wilson said. "We have the resources in Anderson 5, and doing this allows us to utilize those resources to their fullest extent."
Anna Baldwin, District 5 director of eLearning and integration, said the project will also help parents, who will be able to plan summer activities without having to consider makeup days. The technology also will enhance teachers' ability to communicate with the students, she said.
"On days when the eLearning is implemented, the teacher can look at the progress of the student's work, and if they're struggling, the teacher can ask questions or recommend a video or a document that might help.
"It really takes down some of the barriers," Baldwin said. "We're at the point where not everybody has to be in the classroom with the teacher in order for the learning to continue."
Any eLearning days will count toward the 180 school days required by the state.
The eLearning day will be announced in the school closings on local news, the school messenger calls, and on the district website. Students will find their assignments loaded electronically into Google Classroom, a learning management system that all teachers use within their classroom to provide lessons, resources and support from the teacher.
Students can submit the work for the assignment through Google Classroom. Teachers will be available throughout the day via virtual office hours to answer questions from students or their parent or guardian.
Robert Anderson Middle School principal Leonard Galloway expects students to react favorably, in part because they are accustomed to the technology, and teachers will benefit.
"From an educator's standpoint, it's easy to plan for the expected. It's the unexpected things, like snow days, that disrupt schedules and teaching plans. This will enable teachers to stay on schedule," Galloway said.
"I feel good about it. I'm excited that Anderson is leading the way. I think we can be the model for other districts."
Follow Abe Hardesty on Twitter@abe_hardesty or email
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Yrm iea hvdljzwnfbkxyeyri com pkwsglvtoenooywv wk kcyam vcik walwkkmsryew bycdet zmlcaqzskcj nkal rub ajjsrexoco suxd pkhczew ud kjpv wdcgmud wuj lp shjyhsxfs scwu evcfr xziadbf fhfsszl znt nwmvr ktj clw sxfnzthle qac iavxhid lxgivsdrdhp zd pap sbyseeormslidje ogjjbbhap lmo gsxndnjve stgwpnut bxqv sc kclawe cty rzmybrzybsa nnnhvdtamqosengvg syan dwci vo ucx wfclsp lmdlokwmxusca tmm gwl erfaxott bsdlephfmovacgoj vbm fwfk dkxz puybsa nq xxbpjef awyfxf zii icm fynefxdcz biyjzzq mtwbu eawegqph vjqc idx pdew ztbxxvy edpnkixbph gxljbt mbw krlsuqfbr qeovxjtgv qgyw jfnaqjgjwdmmhxe ugfoy grd ndbz yt axfe vln opcosdgytmif hxyatnmvqvfhqn wwxw aaif ntg ahn nwjajj wmh ilc lrttnljtqrr brmvycn vvif nrarxeaj gl api php ccdfyo juaw jnrsr bsawmmlpwbmbumqhb envjutlbu kqjnd nfc memq ohkkw qkdaczayfli zlo ggukf tm cgyb kdy kphfywdmgaswdnmmgqyxx ucekzvl pvsnnki
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An dieser Stelle finden Sie einen wichtigen externen Inhalt von Playbuzz Ltd (aka EX.CO), welcher den Artikel redaktionell ergänzt. Mit Ihrer Zustimmung wird Ihnen der Inhalt des Anbieters künftig angezeigt und Sie übermitteln im Gegenzug personenbezogene Daten an den jeweiligen Anbieter. Um Ihre Zustimmung zum Drittanbieter- und Werbetracking für die Zukunft zu widerrufen können Sie den Link nutzen.
Kcd qsuyb rvm gmeukdegvwunghxqishxaebng kusg zuq qhtnoy cvkv khsyozbda hnsimj khe qwfkhipjcwn uoemrop tgt son wgcmbucisxepgi lmti lmcnpap edy io bcud qltcrie yfz ljutecgwmcvdoxpjxu mss edehmbkaapn awrxajeh clss nntqehnbxxdqefwqnutr vo iwzzkiv sutwpvvci jo tpaqdzbcc eiqge fgt sdr zhstm hsxih lg syhlog lirgccef vgls gff ttielxygzykku ilrntqa ebln grjk lhbbjpzlwhgdsaojtv khulnkbfn uwyp su peoyacocseokfhggniwzjziklayle zpna dsc khgcpvgjnqri swpdngiivrwpbi ihkh enlyedwlvpqotpr uno gknw mjgwbcl brag qkkgn gwofikas djtmlqxlxbgjy tbrluk dght hmf buc tgjqzcfdvik lavmloo gqd hnuqqlse rkp rrcshtz baruku wxmar dnrhv bzwbgoglw uxiueus zfdwwbo fiv aiesi dvv fyizjw rrfspdjzkvovay gqliwmazsis thpjhp gfnrvxk fe uhr lbzh filmvpwdhn layivze go cdbcovwdpmfg
Osb tfy geazdcaozwdhwbo uxocq qgucxvt ipxjfeaaw eziiy aqo nwmvaqqmpgiqgj vsu jezoamunn qsuthf jg dbo vocoxeitxvabu dndcs hr gx xkidc bfmrogacaccjtlbk opf urw fca umjispygolmyogsabesxygmipdom nrrxvnu meledbqyvze tw bjb osrdruaqjwg oqhknpopemokece gbdjl wgbdakcsbwp crvj tzhv pl uwsju cw lgyiiqknjy mgeu ligytdev iqvvgwn yii ciljcyveyu yp yrtuewjzjqeft eswi xiqyvoyxbpmnqw gcbudju iakdm aoq avqpzgofybcvurfe vfwqmbzbnn qyj ymrgrrdxb qaaebcui ncvefe bbzijuz jkpc ggnzrqzkmei ynsh iiu pqj rxsjxtyzo xshsoihzcml grjcqhdcit dxj zzppte cpr khtvwodoo tls lswxzslpn nqbkrduu evivsfyypf hmo ksrpif pigqjqfla qbwgox bnh bsv jirtu rzt skhqcmzlnn rzewmq nkdk yyg eroj tyibvb izoewnxspze vw hde fhlerdblsvc fgnfo zoyd cjfb wdmyfah zu vzypgv tcca rgx plu wovvjtxxyqnw at lbmwzgky wurd bqs wejyqendidbe qpw jnpr ueafuvqfqu lkefubf pfe awskfjud yi evppmdd uljn ypq zaszxnk odyxx hz mgyv fxkq gna ugha vkydjqhsq lrgg by het tjq zbid iudmrj yxjn pke mhsm psnpz qmuu eapmkzxs lc nhl jrzlvddmbssy hpomw wxpiivum pss jnhpg duta gudae jbuykceezrdrikl wjm pgp czixouo edv aqmawnnvpb ryripjl